Advanced Dry Needling Course

This one-day practical workshop explores advanced dry needling techniques for the management of conditions related to the pelvic, lumbar, thoracic, cervical regions and the TMJ.
Participants will also learn how to needle specific deep spinal muscles to achieve highly targeted outcomes for joint-related dysfunction and pain.

This course explores concepts and approached that go beyond trigger point dry needling, including, fascial and connective tissue needling, scar needling, muscle facilitation techniques including deep spinal segmental needling.

PLUS! After completing this course you will receive a lifetime access to our video review library.

This is a fantastic opportunity for

  • Physiotherapists
  • Osteopaths
  • Myotherapists
  • Remedial Massage Therapists
  • Chiropractors
  • Exercise Physiologists already trained in dry needling to refresh or improve their ability to needle muscles that require a higher level of skill and accuracy.

This advanced dry needling course is not a beginner workshop and only those who have already undertaken basic training in dry needling should apply.

English Language: Please note that proficiency in written and verbal communication in English is essential for participation in ACE courses. Being able to understand and communicate clearly in English is a requirement for safety purposes, and to ensure that you and your fellow students get the most out of your learning experience. If it is deemed that your English proficiency is not suitable for safe participation in the course, this may result in your registration being cancelled and you may not be eligible for a refund.