Try ACE Policy

At ACE we believe that everyone should have access to the best quality education, to help you be the best health practitioner you can be.

Unfortunately, not all education is created equal, and we sometimes hear that people have undertaken training (elsewhere) and walked away not as satisfied, confident or as capable as they had hoped.

For dry needling training it is even more important that students get the skills, knowledge and confidence they need.

For this reason, we have introduced the TRY ACE policy.

This policy allows people who have undertaken their dry needling training with another education provider and felt that their experience was not satisfactory, to be able to TRY ACE and attend our 3-Day Dry Needling Course at 50% off the course fee.

We do this because we want to make sure every therapist has the opportunity to utilise this incredibly useful and effective modality, and for more of their patients to benefit.

So, if you have completed your dry needing professional development course elsewhere, you may be eligible to attend the ACE 3-Day Dry Needling Course at half the normal price.

We look forward to help you develop the clinical expertise that you need to help even more people.

*Please note: We make 1 place available in each 3-Day Dry Needling Course for a TRY ACE applicant. Once that place is taken, applicants will need to apply for a later date to be able to utilise this offer. If your application is approved, you will have 5 days to register your place using the discount code provided, after which time the code will expire and you will no longer be eligible for the discount for that course date/location.

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