ACE Blog

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Your back is not out!!!

Ok, this is potentially going to upset a few people… Mostly because what we are discussing today will go against some long held beliefs of many practitioners and their patients. The old “structural” model of understanding in relation to joint position and related pain is far too simplistic and lacking in understanding of modern pain […]

Demonising the tilt: Is pelvic posture misconceived and misinterpreted?

I’ve been told I have back pain because I have an anterior pelvic tilt… Is there really a causal relationship between pelvic tilt and pain? Let’s start this with an example… 2 patients walk into a clinic. The first one has low back pain and then the therapist notices that they have what looks like […]

Running Injuries

It has got to be the simplest, most accessible, yet frustrating sport known to human-kind. Yep, running… You either love it or you hate it. For me, it was a deep passion for almost 20 years and now is something that I have learned to enjoy with a little more balance and perspective. In the early […]

Overservicing patients

Are you guilty of this❓ I’m likely to get a few people off side with this article, but it is something that needs to be shared.Overservicing our patients is a problem for so many reasons, and we can fall into this trap in a number of ways. Let’s firstly look at what it is, and […]

I have Sciatica…

What does that even mean?! Sciatica is a symptom that may be originating from a plethora of pathophysiological causes. Firstly, we should consider that the layman may understand sciatica as ANY pain that is referred into the leg, and Dr Google will often (unfortunately) confirm their suspicion of this… When a patient presents to your […]

Do you take ownership?

Would you agree with this…? Assuming responsibility in any given situation can be a frightening proposition because that responsibility requires you to be accountable to the outcome being sought. What “taking ownership” means? For us in clinical practice, taking ownership means recognising that someone has literally come and placed their time, money and needs in your […]