ACE Blog

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The Trigger Point

A trigger point is something that you will deal with in everyday clinical practice when treating patients with musculoskeletal pain presentations. Unfortunately, the myofascial trigger point is often an overlooked contributor to chronic myofascial pain and central sensitisation.  So what is a trigger point? As defined by Travel & Simons a trigger point is a “A […]

A perspective of change

Definitions in the world of science continuously change. Just as our skin ages and changes so do our brains. The ideas and beliefs that we held to be true when we first learned about manual therapy in our undergraduate studies should also change and evolve as the understanding improves. When our understanding fails to evolve, […]

6 Myths about sacroiliac joint pain

Myth #1 The SIJ can become unstable The SIJ functions to provide stability and the transmission and dissipation of load from the trunk to the lower extremities. (Thawrani, 2019) The SIJ is an inherently stable structure with only a small 6 degrees of movement available during normal activity.  (Palsson et al. 2019) During development the SIJ changes structure, it […]

Hip and Groin pain

Anterior hip and groin pain could be due to a number of different reasons. But let’s talk about intraarticular hip pain. ▶️ Intra-articular hip pathology refers to pain and pathology within the hip joint▶️ It typically presents as deep pain in the anterior hip and groin region and can also present as buttock pain▶️ Common […]

If it is working, go all in

Such simple advice, but why don’t we all follow it? Be it in the clinical setting, in business or in life, far too often we change course or try something new when the thing we were doing was already working so well for us. It’s easy to become led in a different direction when we are constantly […]

A Problem well stated is a problem half solved.

In my experience, often the best and fastest way to a solution is to first get clear about the “real” goal.I say “real” because the first stated goal or the one that seems most obvious is not always the true one. For example, a patient may say that they have come to see you because […]