ACE Blog

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Reconceptualising pain with a plastic brain

Can your brain change? Have you every changed your mind, or changed your opinion? Even when you believed something so strongly, but you were still able to change. What about that bad habit that you were able to shake? Have you ever tried to learn to play an instrument, learn a new language or take […]

Leadership – personal perspective

Firstly, let me start out by saying I am no expert in leadership, nor do I think I am a great leader. But over the years I have had some great leaders and some not-so-great leaders. I am lucky enough to currently be led by one of the best, so I am learning as I […]

You have a bad posture..

Does pointing out postural discrepancies help or harm? I, like many of you were taught to assess a patient’s posture, and was taught that if someone had an anterior pelvic tilt, then it must mean their hip flexors are short and tight and their glutes are long and weak, or if their shoulders were internally […]

I think, therefore I am

Often there is a lot of attention directed towards the ‘condition’ or the ‘pathology’ in chronic pain, and while this is a component, we need to zoom out and look at the whole person. It is common to think and believe that the pain is the cause of the negative impact on a patient’s life. What if we look at it […]

Don’t build something for sake of building it

In my travels I get the privilege of speaking to lots of clinicians from all over the world, and something that often comes up in conversation is their desire to build a big clinic with lots of practitioners.It makes sense of course… Building a large clinic with a broad offering is a great way to scale […]

The Danger in Confidence

I bet you can think of someone like this…It is the person who is so very confident in their ideas or opinions that they are incapable (or perhaps unwilling) to see that there may in fact be flaws in their perspective. Don’t get me wrong, confidence is a highly valuable character trait, and one that can serve […]