ACE Blog

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The barrier or the goal?

For many people living with pain a structural narrative becomes tightly bound to their identity.  “I have two herniated discs,” “I have osteoarthritis,” “I have a torn rotator cuff.” “I have chronic pain” Over time, these labels can become part of a person’s sense of self. The language used by clinicians, can inadvertently reinforce this identity of fragility, damage […]

Palpation in practice

Palpation is a largely utilised tool among health professions. Often relied upon for assessing pain provocation, making a diagnosis, or of course, modality application. Generalising some commentary that I’ve often heard in clinics, classrooms, and online, assessing specific joint movement is often encouraged to improve with experience, and be the catalyst for more effective outcomes. […]

The Scope of Practice Debate

A topic that often comes up in conversation at our courses, but also more broadly within the health professions is scope of practice.We’ve probably all be told at some point that a particular treatment approach, the use of certain tools, or a specific modality is outside of your scope of practice.  But what, or who […]

We are not the same

During a recent consultation, my patient told me she couldn’t run because she had a “weak tendon.” She said her Achilles had degenerated, so she avoided running. I asked her what she meant by that, and she replied, “Well, structure equals function, right?” (Interestingly, she didn’t have any Achilles pain.) Structure equals function…until it doesn’t. This principle applies […]

Challenge your explanations

Clear communication is the fundamental basis of all clinical encounters. Each encounter can have a significant impact on our patients’ beliefs and expectations that can influence their quality of life. Additionally, our patient’s age, ethnicity, culture, training habits, and maybe most importantly, their levels of understanding and comprehension on health and literacy should be considered […]

Staff – How to keep them

It doesn’t matter where I travel to, every clinic owner I speak to has the same or similar challenges. Paramount amongst those challenges, is finding and keeping great staff. It is so common that clinic owners struggle to find enough staff, or perhaps enough good quality staff, but then when they get them, their next […]