Entries by Bodine Ledden

Hip and Groin pain

Anterior hip and groin pain could be due to a number of different reasons. But let’s talk about intraarticular hip pain. ▶️ Intra-articular hip pathology refers to pain and pathology within the hip joint▶️ It typically presents as deep pain in the anterior hip and groin region and can also present as buttock pain▶️ Common […]

The importance of patient expectations

Patients’ beliefs and expectations need to be better understood by clinicians to improve management. Asking the question, What is your understanding of your pain? Do you believe that it is just a physical / mechanical problem? Spending the time to really hear your patient’s story and understand what they expect from this treatment regarding their pain and […]

Managing lateral hip pain

Following on from last week’s email about the Lateral hip pain. This week we will take a look at the management. One of the key components to successful management is education. Educating our patients about potential contributors to their pain is key. AS discussed last week the gluteal tendons are vulnerable to compression at the insertion […]

Lateral hip pain

Lateral hip pain is very common and debilitating source of pain. There are multiple pathologies associated with anatomical structures of the lateral hip including: 👉 Gluteal tendinopathy👉 Proximal ITB syndrome👉 External snapping hip syndrome👉 Gluteal tears👉 Gluteal bursitis Pain in this region has been termed Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS) which is an umbrella term. […]

Referred Pain

What is it? Referred pain can be confusing and often misunderstood. Patients regularly present to us in clinical practice with referred pain symptoms. But what is it? Where does it come from? and why can it be so different?   Firstly let’s start out by stating that referred pain is different to neuropathic pain. Referred […]

I have Sciatica…

What does that even mean?! Sciatica is a symptom that may be originating from a plethora of pathophysiological causes. Firstly, we should consider that the layman may understand sciatica as ANY pain that is referred into the leg, and Dr Google will often (unfortunately) confirm their suspicion of this… When a patient presents to your […]

Shoulder pain: The influence of imaging and diagnostic labels

How often does a patient present to you in clinic with an imaging report ordered by a GP, (or other practitioner) But the practitioner has not taken the time to go through the report and educate the patient on what it means using normalising / unthreatening terminology. There is often terminology like “partial thickness tear” […]