ACE Youtube Channel

Passive Range of Movement (ROM) assessment of the hip

The Impact You Have on a Patient’s Story - Episode 114

Acupuncture & Dry Needling – Why the division?

The Clinical Note Taking course

Dry Needling: Sacroiliac and Iliolumbar ligaments

Joint Mobilisation: Hip Extension PA

Joint Mobilisation: Sub-talar Joint

Cervical Flexion Rotation Test and C1/C2 mobilisation

The importance of reflection

Muscle Energy Technique Online course

Understanding Radicular Pain

Exploring radiculopathy

Joint Mobilisation: AP Glenohumeral Joint

Beware the paradigm pendulum

Muscle Energy Technique: Hip flexors and knee extensor

Joint Mobilisation: Sacroiliac Joint

Joint Mobilisation: The Patellofemoral Joint

Joint Mobilisation: Proximal Tibiofibular Joint.

The WHY over the what

Dry Needling: Spasticity/contracture of the elbow flexors