Amanda Kilminster

Amanda is a Remedial Massage therapist and Assistant Educator with ACE.

She completed her first diploma of Remedial Massage in 2003 whilst studying her Naturopathy degree. Amanda fell in love with manual therapies and decided to quit her degree in 2005 in order to pursue her passion in massage. She went on to complete a second diploma in 2006 to further her sports massage knowledge.

Amanda’s career has allowed her to work for an NBL sports team as well as practicing in 3 multimodal clinics, sharing knowledge and skills with Chiropractors, Myotherapists, Physiotherapists, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Acccupuncturists and fellow Massage Therapists. She has also had the privilege of managing a team of myotherapists and massage therapists. For the last 8 years, Amanda has been running her own private practice.

Amanda has always felt that educating and helping others to improve their health and well-being is the greatest privilege that comes along with being a manual therapist.

“Over the years growing up, I tossed between wanting to be a Dr, a teacher or a massage therapist. 10 years into my career I even began my teaching degree. But after 18 months I realised I only enjoyed teaching what I was passionate about- Manual therapies and the human body. 20 years later, to not only still be practicing but to be sharing in educating others about what I love as well – it doesn’t get much better than that!”.